Video 3
3. Fragrance of Vedanta: Narada Bhakti Sutras
namaskar today we'll be studying the naradiya bhakti sutra so every month first saturday morning 11 to 12 is to go to the hindu temple of nepa uh the lemont so that class we are giving from here because of the pandemic so let us begin with this mantra and many of you know this chant along with me yeshua's samsara i bow down to the lord visnu the great god whose mere remembrance makes one free from the bondage of birth and death only by remembering so that is the vishnu but only by remembering when i just remember lord visnu i get liberation of course we can but if we have the devotion and what is that devotion narada the great sage he is teaching us friends we have already had the two talk on these and today we are going to have the third talk on naruti the god is nothing but love the god is love the last month we read the second aphorism where the great narada explained the devotion as intense love for god means intense the supreme primo rupa is love love as if he's taking a form as an intense love for god is that now this blissed so those blessed souls who had the vision of god behave from the viewpoint of the worldly people like the mad persons the mystical experience break the idea of body mind ego hence in the presence of god the realized one cry laugh dance seeing try hard to express the inner joy so that is exactly what it happens satisfy this intense love and after the realization of that after having the vision of god when that love comes then how he will express you know in the life of bhagavan the swami vivekananda he never accepted goddess kali and he was the one of the member of the brahma samaj so obviously the things were in a different way he was thinking the brahma samaj they took something from the christianity something from the hinduism and then they merged it and that is the way they were developing that philosophy as a young narendra 17 18 years he also joined in that and many of the young people they joined in that now what happened afterwards when his father passed away though he was a very rich people but now the moment he passed away all this property money wealth was grabbed by the relatives narendra was not very much interested in those things so he never cared for those and automatically they were almost having nothing even to eat the narendra tried to get some job here and there he couldn't get that ultimately he came to bhagavan's ramakrishna those who have read the background you know and then he said sir i know that your mother that means mother kali in dakshinesha listen to your prayer will you please pray for me i want a job badly because my mother my brothers sisters they are not getting even the food i want to earn and he was a graduate from calgary university in those days even then he was not getting a job when he got a job in a school as a teacher and other teachers as because he was a different type of teacher he used to teach in a completely different way his clarity was excellent other teachers they became jealous and they complained to the authority and he had to lose the job over there too in this situation this condition he came to sudama krishna for help through mystical power suramar krishna said see you are not accepting the power of god that is the reason so this is the problem he's having so that is the reason you should go and pray yourself so he went to goddess kali and there he saw the living goddess it was not the image it was the complete that god is standing over there and seeing that now friends this is the point we have to note that the direct realization the mystical revelation of the god a goddess then what happened when he saw that he was overwhelmed and the basic the prayer that was there within his mind in his subconscious mind he never wanted to be entangled in the worldly life so he prayed not for money or job he prayed for the spiritual wealth the bible other things so this is the way and then second time the third time then ultimately salaam krishna was going on sending oh have you asked for money have you asked for the job go go go the first time second time third time then ultimately he was convinced and he was full full of joy he came to sudama krishna and he said sir can you please teach me a song by which i can express my joy the joy of the vision of god is kali that it says parama premarupa the tremendous joy the excellent joy the unlimited joy the little joy that we have by that way only we become mad but imagine when one sees the god standing before him or her what will happen so that is exactly what happened to swami vivekananda i am telling you this story to explain this parama prema rupa the moment we read oh okay that much but what is this a personality like swami vivekananda was so strong and intellectually convinced but even then when he stood face to face with that goddess kali who was covering the whole world the benign face everything is happening because of our power by seeing that even the narendra night vivekananda was also became mad and afterwards much afterwards swami vivekananda he was teaching narada bhakti sutra at the book that we are studying here in thousand island park it was a another small group of people swamiji chosen a few handful not the mass because they won't understand so he wanted to make a group of hardly 12 so that they afterwards this american the the afterwards can continue preaching the vedanta studying the vedanta so with that motto he started a retreat in the thousand island park friends if you go over there still that building is there where swamiji stayed now it has become a part of the vedanta society it is maintained by the new york video society and and the room where he stayed where he meditated where he gave the class they're on the chair where he sat everything still there and the path the jungle path still as it is and america because it is very vast and less population they can afford to keep the things as it is it is there as it is if you go and see the swamiji taught the narada bhakti sutra over there and give the devotion and also the knowledge and he used to walk in that path with his students and sometimes he'll be choosing one or two teaching them meditation and slowly slowly transforming them into the vedantic ideology that was an excellent thing that he did so this narada bhakti sutra when he was teaching there he said thinking of god some weep some sing some dance some say wonderful things then he commented but all speak of nothing but god all speak up nothing but god there's some they are singing some they are dancing and this wonderful thing that did happen some cry the weep sometimes some devotees they write to me or some over telephone also they ask swamiji when we are thinking about god bhagavan sirama krishna trying to do the puja there's so much you know i don't know why i start crying and so much so i can't do that properly i told you her blessed because thinking of god sitting before the image with a picture of god and you are thinking oh god i can't serve you properly that feeling the god god and god feeling bringing tears in the eyes you are you must be blessed one so this is the love love for god not for any object friends the narada has never mentioned the word god and he mentioned that eat like that he said sarthas mean parama pray marupa sa they saw that so that is then what is god narada is taking our mind towards the ultimate god which is our own soul which is the consciousness so he is not selling he or she not giving any other and definition but unless we have a little idea about god we won't be able to proceed because in the devotion the first thing is the conception of god the idea about god first then the conviction the god is there though i can't see i can't touch i can't talk i can't feel but still i believe that god is there because the great soul they said it they are like the meters so we see god on them the reflection of god in them so that is the way we have to think the god is there we have the call then the devotion for devotion we will once again go back to narada but before that let us go to vishnu purana which the shankaracharya the great shankara he has also quoted from there and in the last class when we were talking about the god i mentioned about the the pathanjala yoga darshan the the great rishi the father of the yoga aphorisms and he said you can control your mind by he is giving one two three different options and he mentioned that by concentrating on god is concentrating by concentrating on god now he's mentioned what is this god he said karma karma bhipaka ashaya the 24th episode it says first is the glacier i won't go into details but the glacier karma etc what is the glacier filth what type of field five different and say fast is ignorance ashmita a version of innovation so these five things abidda ashmita raga desha you will find it in the yoga sutra and then swami vivekananda is the raja yoga there also you'll find at the very nicely and then what is that glacier these are the five glaciers the lord the god is free from this five glacier then comes karma good or bad lord is not doing any karma then bhipaka the result of the action result of the karma god is free from that ashaya desire to have the result so all centered with the karma because karma it start functioning on the basis of the ego if the ego is there then the desire will come when the desire is there then accordingly the functions will also come actions will also come so obviously the god is not having the ego the basic that is not there so that is the reason god is completely free from karma bhipakka and ashaya a puram register it is unaccessed to anything and everything it's not at us it is there the krishna was there very much there he is the pivotal character of the mahabharata but at the same time krishna is with no one not even with the pandavas not even with the clan for which for whom he fought so much ultimately he left so we are studying the last part of the krishna so the last message of krishna that he gave to uddhava that is also we are studying so this is it's called karma bhipak or aashaya aparam mr purusha bishesha is the male body again wrong the purusa means the one who is inside the heart who is inside the heart our the consciousness that whom we call god the caitanya caitanya means that consciousness that who is present in every heart in every soul and who is free from all karma having no desire and not also that he is completely free from glaciers he's full of knowledge there is no avidya there is no ignorance there is no eye consciousness no ego asmita so that is called god so we get an idea a conception about god ishwara the lord from patanjala then we come to vishnu purana which is gives the complete definition of the god bhutan agatha very simple way it says who is this god one who is fully aware of creation where from the this creation came none of us know the scientists are trying very hard and the black hole theory these that they're going on but this god the whom we can call god he's very clear about it also knows the dissolution about the dissolution he has complete idea so many people that because they are become very popular and people start loving their talks and all that they simply start calling them bhagavan no we cannot the bhagavan should have these dif wonderful qualities the one whom we can call god should have these qualities first is the creation and pinasham dissolution we call bhagavan sirama krishna out of just love as because we are following his philosophy as because we are in his group no not like that those who have read the biography of sri ramakrishna they know but at ease he could say the about the person people that when the master washer came the recorder of his talk when he came to him he was asking him are you married have you saw another like that master mashay got puzzled why he's asking this then he said i saw you in the group of caitanya mahaprabhu look at it caitanya mahaprabhu almost 500 years before him and he saw the master masha the person who entered in his room he saw him and immediately said i saw you in the group of caitanya mahaprabhu i know that you are having a very good quality spiritual quality and if you you were free not married you could do a lot of thing to spread the message of the god we need a free person otherwise it will be difficult so srama krishna immediately bhutan the future of prosperity gain the bhutanam agathem gotting and also the loss the future adversity a person came to bhagavan sirama krishna and he was very shy he was not praying to him for anything day after day he used to come and stand in the corner of the room looking at him the one day the ramakrishna noticed and say hey you come regularly so many people are asking requesting praying for things but you never prayed anything what do you want you said i'm when i hear the prayer that other people are putting before you they are praying for god the god realization and all spiritual thing but i am so ashamed to speak because i don't want spiritual development i want only money i want to be somebody in this society how can i say that before you how can i ask that to you you're a spiritual man immediately sirama krishna said as they say gain agathem agathem gatti immediately he said he he knew what is going to happen to him he said you will become a very very rich person and in in a very wonderful way he mentioned that how big how rich he said even an elephant will be there at your door the maintaining an elephant is a very very costly thing only kings can do that so that you will be very rich and truly he became rich so that is called bitty bhutanam he knew what is going to happen a future adversity also vidyam abid yamcha what is the illumination what is the ignorance what is that knowledge and the whole gospel of krishna i'm full of that you should not do this and you should do this ignorance and illumination he knew that's why bhagavan's rama krishna sometimes some people they don't understand this certainty and they think that lifting the some doing some you know the occurred showing some occult power that must be god the one gentleman came here and said you don't have god here why the central over there in the if you go to shrine i visited the shrine with the picture of krishna he was a great personality i know but he's not god at least it oh so what do you mean by god that's what god means occult power should be there so when the rama is god why because they wrote the name srirama on the stone and stone started floating this type of stories and the krishna lifted the govardhan hill like that like that that oh in that case of course he didn't show those the power but he was having these qualities yamcha and that is called the bhagavan adi shankaracharya while commenting on the bhagavad-gita the third chapter 37 words if you read the commentary of the bhagavad-gita by shankaracharya you will find shankara also quoting from the visnu quran to explain what is god and to define the god he says we share yashya another divination guyana means this power that is seeks the power that is mystical power mystical qualities what is that first is wisher yes yes yeah majesty majesty all kind of majesty and if when we read the 10th chapter 11th chapter and in the bhagavad-gita the lord is going on telling arjuna i am these i am these i am the is he expressing ego no no to prove that he is the god the lord krishna is the god because he is having all those qualities we share yesterday anything that you see the great himalaya it is me the airabata is the best of all the the elephants it is me the like that all best things he was mentioning why not that in a mass he was telling this best thing it is me that has been expressed over there that means i am everywhere i am god yes yes all that's called all kinds of some of game is all kinds that is virtu all the good qualities that you see it is mean but these are the qualities and the in the vishnu quran it says they have that they have mentioned the six good qualities and they say that this evil is the six six great qualities and that one who is having is a god god ishwara bhagavan yeshua eva shanna so that is called bhagavan so this is the way it says that who can be the bhagavan majesty virtue fame beauty dischargement and liberation friends i am trying to understand and also trying to tell you that conception of god why because the god is our goal we have to reach to him we have to have him realize him or we can say har or can say eat so that is called the god so all these qualities again he is beyond the quality that is why bhagavan sirama krishna all this thing that you see there's also god and when there is no quality that is also god so sometimes a swaguna is having wheat quality sometime niriguna without quality that time also he is there it's not that the qualities are not there it is there but unmanifest it is not is not expressing it this is what bhagavan sram krsna's described when one attains samadhi then alone comes the knowledge of brahman and that is the realization before shama it is not possible what is the samadhi and the samadhi we know there are again two the samadhi the when we take an object and go and margin to that that is one type of samadhi and when there is no object our concentration goes straight to that all-pervading the consciousness and that is also the samadhi but after the samadhi that means only when one becomes one with that consciousness one with the god then only one can understand what is god then what happens this is he says that in our the verse we have already amrita sarupacha parama premarupa the fast and second he's sailing amrita sarupacha in the fast apparism the narada said come let us discuss about the devotion and there he mentioned about indicating about the god because we have to realize god so we taking the help of the vishnu purana and also the yoga sutra we got an idea about god now what type of devotion is necessary to realize god because from bhagavan si ramakrishna said you have to realize god you have to go into that deep meditation and become one with god or the supreme i'm using both the word god at the same time as narada is mentioning that or eat so supreme consciousness through the samadhi we are going over there then to reach to the samadhi what path we should take is a devotion what type of devotion now comes the narada he says parama prema rupa is the full of love intense love for god param pray maroopa the wonderful love for god and we have already discussed about the love what is this love now when we talk about the love you know we can feel oh yeah we know about the law but before we go it once again to touch that point let us uh the another another for ism which the narada is telling in that that is the third of the narada bhakti sutra it says amrita sarupa and you know cha means and in sanskrit cha means and so it is continuing the second one and the third second aphorism and the third problem together and also it is immortal in nature first is prabha and then he says it is immortal prema why that there is a chance that we make a mistake but anyway narada is trying hard to give us an idea about the devotion why it is so difficult because unless one gets the vision of god you won't understand what is the joy of god joy for god we are pretending but slowly slowly when a young girl she's loving a baby and cajoling and all those things she is doing but as long as she is not becoming mother not having that intense love for the baby this is the difference we also like babies we go and touch them and talk to them and play with them and all those things we like those but the mothers love for the baby the intense love for the baby unless one can become the mother one cannot feel and similarly unless one realizing god one won't feel the intense love for god but we cannot lower down the ideology so the narada is telling it is parama pre marupa intense love for god and at the same time amrita sarupacha amrit sarupa means it is the nature of immortal immortality now first he said bhakti is the nature of supreme love parama prema and as if continuing his sentence he is telling amrita sarupacha and also immortal why amrita why immortal because there is a possibility to misunderstand this divine love and conjugal love the worldly love earthly love is also very very fascinating the whole the society all our movies all our the stories that people are writing you just read is nothing but the same thing again and again again and we never feel tired to go and watch the same type of movie and also reading the books why because we like love we want to see that so the love is our nature from the love only we have born then that is the thing unless and until we go and truly merge with the loved one we are dissatisfied the human being can never be satisfied and their expression for the worldly love through intense because of that because of the love because of the ananda because of the joy that is our real nature so we are going to our real nature going to merge with that but sometimes we express that joy that love in a worldly way and there are so many stories in the history the lovers the the mental association and the physical association give them great joy the earthly love has a similarity with the divine love but there is a great difference the earthly love for the earthly love and the if you go to india everybody will talk about and the moment you talk about love taj mahal they will say the great love the expression of love and they will be giving that the replica of the taj mahal to each other as an expression of love all these things but and then we know that there are many many stories that for that love the conjugal love the earthly love the lovers they never hesitated to die even so obviously there's all we can mixed up the divine love and with this conjugal love the divine love is undying in nature amrita what is the difference this but the worldly love has a beginning and also as an end only a few days before maybe hardly one year or so there are so many things were written in the newspaper and the tv they were talking about the great marriage because of the the movie star she was marrying another gentleman all those things and then as a great thing whatever they are doing going to a tea shop that was also probably going to and they're taking up a puppy and then that was also probably all this and people are crazy what they are doing what they are doing then after one is not even one year now the news they have published that they are going to break so what is this great love they are so attached to each other that they cannot leave each other so everywhere they're going and doing these that and afterwards after one year now that intensity of love the attraction and it that has gone this is the defects of the worldly love but when it is a divine love what happens it begins but never ends and it only ends by getting the union with the god and what happens then amrita rupa it become immortal why immortality because it becomes god himself the devotee becomes god himself go and merge with the god divine love has a beginning but no end there is no breakup in divine love because it is beyond physical consciousness this is the difference bhagavan sirama krishna described the prema as the intense love for god that makes one forget the world and forget even his own body that is rise above physical consciousness the conjugal love and the divine love this is the difference the vuishnava bengal school they are known as goria visna in the gola that was the capital of bengal in the the olden days so that's why they are gaudiya bhaishnabha so the main person was the caitanya mahaprabhu he developed that they developed the one personality wonderful personality the known as radha there are many other varshnavas sakes they though they don't accept the radha but when you see the radha and krishna worshiped that is actually the the bengal school so bengal school they from prompted that this personality radha why and the radha krishna the divine relation sometimes misrepresented in the form of conjugal love but the radha is the symbol of purity and the purity is always above physical level the radha and krishna there are so many pictures will be there and in the in india they always published in the new year they publish the calendar and the calendar there will be dates will be there important dates will be there at the same time there will be a picture mostly the ordinary people the more people they will be having those calendar exchanging calendars the companies that you propagate that they are this is the company as a sort of an advertisement they print the calendar and distribute among the people free at this conception in the calendar if you go and count and they will be having the pictures of the divine personalities majority will be radha and krishna this radha krishna conception is so dear to them but majority of the people they misunderstand that radha and krishna are completely divine they mix up with the conjugal and sometimes the singers they will also sing in such a way as if the krishna is crying why radha is white i am not not white i am why i am black and she is having the the complexion is that so many ways they are expressing one sense it is good but at the same time if you are sincere devotee you have to understand the radha krishna are not ordinary human being and there was no radha in that sense it is the devotion the pure devotion that was framed that was given a human form as the radha radha is nothing but completely the purity radha used to feel that she herself is krishna that is the proof of eternal love lob without break or separation amrita swarupa when the love is not having any break it's not like pouring the water it is the as in the yoga sutra they always say you have to think of that supreme this uh the self as if the oil is pouring from one container to another container inside the oil there is no even the air bubble but the water may have the air bubble that much even that also should not be there so that is called the complete love pouring from one to another the devotee's heart is going and pouring with the god so the what is that god we got the con some idea the god is everything and to understand god we can say god is love now we can understand and when this is love is the personification the love if the love is an abstract idea if it takes the form it will take the form of the god this one and what is this devotion that we necessary by what kind of devotion love for god then the narada he first says this is a parama premarupa supreme love so all the loves that we are having i love my father my mother my wife my husband my children and so many varieties way my love is going out but it is the parama prima rupa the supreme lord love and all these putting together if you give it to god and that is called bhagavan sirama krishna he said a miser he loves his wealth so much and even after death the miser will be thinking that oh after the death also i should be here with my property with my uh this wealth so that is called the miserly feeling the cerama krishna is telling as the miser feel for the attain attraction attention for the wealth the same way oh god allow me so that i can also feel for you then another it says that as the shatti is loving for her husband the shabby tree that all the stories are there intense love of the chest wife and she loves her husband so much so that even though when the death came and she was arguing with the death how can i be separated from my husband the beautiful stories are there so that is called the intense love srama krishna is praying oh god give that love that the chest twice was having for her beloved her husband that love also so and the mother's love for our child when these three attractions the excellent attractions it comes together if that united way goes to god and that is called parama premarupa can term that as the parama premarupa and this rama krishna also giving in different ways now we have idea about the god and the love for god which is the parama prema and also that should be eternal and that should not break it should continue now what is the benefit here comes the the fourth aphorism fourth and fifth upper ism the narada will be explaining what are the benefits what happened what happened after this this love so all through life i am practicing i am withdrawing my mind from the all the saints objects i am forgetting not only the world but also my body my mind my whole soul my whole mind is going towards god i am seeing god i am hearing god and i can't think anything else but god wonderful then what benefit i will have what will happen to me so that is also a good question so narada is answering yamulaptva now when you are practicing that intense love then what will happen you will realize god you will have the divine vision of god and then puman the devotee siddho bhavati amrito the three things will happen to that person first is he'll become perfect second amrito bhavati will become immortal and third tripto bhavati will become completely satisfied friends first is the word siddho what is the mean meaning siddhi in sanskrit this word siddhi is the occult power if you read the yoga darshan you will find that if you are practicing meditation intensely you will have one type of uh the the power and that's called occult power and we know that in the life of sri krishna so many times he has showed that occult power and that the excellent one was that he lifted the whole the heel on his finger and his little finger the great occurred power sometimes people believe sometimes not and we read in the ramayana the mahavira hanumanji just by taking the name of lord and he made his body huge and huge then he jumped the whole ocean crossed the ocean by just simply jumping and then reached over there at the gate of that rabana and the ravenous palace was closed and that was guide guided by some someone the story goes and he became very humble and become very small so it can become huge it can become very small the tiny my new thing so all these qualities we have already discussed those things the main eight at the great qualities but does it mean a person who is having that the love for god having that type of siddhi then it is of no use bhagavan si ramakrishna of course automatically they get their power comes see sometimes i feel the if you practice meditation and for the betterment of others if you are helping others thinking positive way then what happens a love generation within you and you are concentrating on god or maybe if you are following the path of the gyana concentrating on the atman trying to realize atman ultimately for all paths one thing is common that you have to forget your ego you have to give up your ego the eye consciousness and when you give up the ego obviously the body mind and associated with the body mind all things goes away this is the two things are only there one is chaitanya the consciousness another is the world this material world so when i am going to the consciousness i give the material world sub chore sub power when you give up everything you get everything and that is true when we give up everything as a monk i am telling you is a long experience wherever we go people like us love us help us feed us and they become so eager to do that why i'm just an ordinary person only putting on the geruah the occurred clone but just by that there are many people and not at all good people the cheaters but wearing a of the bhagavata that they call it the color the saffron color just for that that is the symbol of the renouncers that is the symbol of the devotees of god the people get attracted to them and that proves that god is there otherwise why people will get attracted to despair and those who have done little practice a little manifestation of the divinity within them little but even then so many attractions that means god is there and he is love and love always attracts that proves the siddha bhavati he will become perfect and what is that perfection there'll be no desire at all because when one is completely perfect there is no desire i don't need anything and but there is a possibility to mistake the siddhi the siddhi what is that occult power is nothing but the power the and mind is the source of power swami vivekananda said that mind is a source of power and through the mind even you can break the if you think in the strong way you can that to give the imper that the importance on that swamiji is telling even if if you are concentrating on a hill hill can break and we have seen many of the stories it says that the veda vyasa he asked the yamuna to give the path and immediately the huge river it gave a path and both side there was water but inside there was a road so it is possible occur power but for that we are loving god oh no that is not that should not be bhagavan sirama krishna he again and again said that one should not go for the occult power why and he said there are two brothers as a story two brothers one he remained in the household and he was cultivating and he was selling the product and like that the family was going on looking after the parents looking after the family his brother went into the jungle to meditate after 12 years he came back he saw his elder brother is tilting the land and doing the same the duties the work he said brother still you are doing this you know what i got i can walk on the water do you like to see it the brother said okay after 12 years you have come let me have some of your company let me go and see what you like to say so both the brothers they went by the side of the river and then the this junior brother said see i will walk on the river and go to the other shore you won't be able to do that so take a boat very bored so they hired a ferry boat the elder brother fired the very boat and he was on the board and this junior brother was walking on the water and reached the other shore and is do you see a tremendous power now i am having the occult power now the elder brother said my brother after practicing meditation and all that you have achieved only one ana power one another just say one penny why because with the one penny i cross this river with the boat i give the little money to the boatman and he just helped me to cross the river and you after practicing so much and walking in the water that is also very exhaust exertions and the why you are crossing unnecessarily so by these stories ramakrishna said don't give much attention to this now friends i am talking over here sitting in my own astra and you can see me all over the world is it not miracle of course it is miracle this is also occult power the someone used his mind concentrates his mind used his brain his intellect then harness the nature and use it in such a way that my picture is reaching in to you and also the sound everywhere this is also called power the scientists are also doing the same thing but when they give the expression and analyze it methodically it becomes science as a few years before was it possible to be like this and nowadays the pandemic the new world order is coming i don't think the normalcy that we were having one year before will return back it will be difficult because psychologically we have separated ourselves and always there to be the fear if we go close to a person i may contaminate so slowly slowly things will happen like this the big big meetings are happening now it will be like this maybe as if we see in the another scientific the science fiction movies then one person is talking and he's not only just like a picture he's present over there as if in person he is present and talking but in reality he is not there like this it will come it's local power and shall we do it for god realization i leave this question here with you and we will discuss about it in our next class but before we conclude let me see if there any question that has come so please tell the question so the first the first question is from anindita chakraborty it's a long question she's asking you mentioned that god is in six attributes majestics karma beauties and then god is beyond all of these yeah as one progresses in spiritual path one starts to realize that and then she writes is that what tatu says when he says in the gospel that gods in quotes aishwarya reduces as your devotion love becomes right right very good very good you have understood this very well and i think our devotees also will enjoy the way you have expressed it bhagavan sirama mentioned it again and again and it is automatically that we are attracted to all these the glamour of the god then ultimately finally when we truly love him then we don't like to see all that tires that he's putting on and presenting before us then we just love him as a person or as a love for lobster as they say so that is the way it goes when you go to a king and we are all struck and we go mind that this is the king he is having sitting on the throne and the so many jewelleries are there and people all around and beautiful dress and to impress the people the kings they used to do like that then slowly slowly i become very very very close to the king i become so friendly then sometimes with the bare body the king is sitting and i'm also talking with him because that time all those things are not necessary the same way the way we go towards the god in the beginning the he is like this he is like that etc etc it goes on then ultimately it is like the love of jason for the baby krishna so the hindus developed this attitude also the motherly love for the babies the children so that is also love for the god if i don't care then we look after the god that is also unique way to love god and we never care whether the god is having all these six powers or not that is called true love love for love's sake thank you friends now let us say shanti three times and we conclude for the next month again [Music] hario that's it